For anyone who had trouble seeing Carolyn's spinner in yesterday's post, here is another shot. This one is much larger and clearer too.

Carolyn's Spinner

And speaking of "spins" - my brain is in a spin. (What's new, right?) This weekend is our town's annual Warner Fall Foliage Festival... in which 30,000 people flood our town of 3,000. They eat fried dough, ride the rides, shop, watch performances... my son is dancing in the street as the Mad Hatter at 2pm on Saturday. Right after the childrens' parade.

I thought I would do some face painting - actually face tangling - but that sounds really... wrong. Now that my studio is right down at ground level, in the middle of the teaming masses, I thought I might pretend I own a store and open it up on Saturday.

I've spent the weekend spray painting an old stamp display. My hands and feet are purple - I think my lungs might be too - and my right hand is cramped in trigger position. I keep telling myself "I can do this. I can do this. And if I change my mind on Friday night - no biggie - no one knows what I was thinking of doing..."
But now, you know.
So, I will have an Open Studio. A test run. Because I am tired of people telling me to get a real job. A store is a real job. I have a store. Therefore... I have a real job! Yeah ME!

But the important part is that people come in and tell me how wonderful the "store" is. OK? You can say things like... "it's very realistic looking!" If you visit me and say something nice, I'll give you a tattoo. If you are really, really nice... I'll put sparkly glitter on your tattoo too! (Tattoo-too?)

Oh - details: this Saturday from 10:30 til... til I can't stand it any longer and run for the fried dough. My new studio is in the store-formerly-known-as-Wingdoodle. It needs its own name, but that discussion is for a different post.

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