Tons of photos ahead... it's almost like being there!

Before and After?
This picture...

... was taken during orientation - TWO YEARS AGO!

And this picture...

...was taken last Saturday morning just before we headed off to the Northern Stage Theatre to get our diplomas!

On the far left is LINIERS, our Fellow - he's a cartoonist from Argentina. His sweater has his own characters on it!!

And this is a caricature of our class created by Kazimir Lee (class of 2016)...

We marched from the school over to Northern Stage - like little ducklings following our duck parents (actually duck-teachers).

My friend Debbee's sketch of our parade...

They had photos of us projected onto the screen before the ceremony...

We had the set from "Mamma Mia" as our background! (Great musical, by the way, go see it!!)

Our commencement speaker was cartoonist Paul Karasik. He's very funny (I love this cartoon...)

Here we are together...

I was SO excited to have my family here with me! Even my son traveled all day on Friday to get here from college - and then back again after the ceremony. You guys deserve a reward too for helping me survive these two years (and everything that came before, too).

Here's a view of our special diplomas designed by John Martz.

After the ceremony, we had a reception for the Opening of the Thesis Show.

Here are all the Thesis packets...

My wall in the Show with original pages and all the Comic Magazines hanging around, waiting to be read.

The Fireman gave me a ROSE!

The Fireman! holding an issue of BEGIN AGAIN with a comic ad for HIM.

This next picture was actually from the Reception the evening before - we both have our "grown-up" faces on.

The papers covered the event the next day...

We all went out to eat and then ate chocolates at the Powerhouse Mall and then got very silly...

And then... I avoided people for three days and sat in my tiny garden!