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103 Articles
5 min read

My Birthday Week

If you haven't read my late-night, pre-Birthday rant, please take a look - it would mean SO much to me! I did have a party and it was a lot of fun. It was interesting to note that none of the people that would consider themselves to be my closest or oldest friends,...

1 min read

Mauled by Pugs

My plan was to write a post that caught you all up with everything I've been working on and my recent adventures... but I've been whining a lot lately about how I really want to start drawing comics again... something like "Oh! That would make a great comic!? I really...

4 min read

The Middlebury Diary, Part 2

I updated the first blog post with the photos, so take a look at that one HERE. Saturday was the BIG event! The Non-fiction Comics Mini-Fest at the Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury, VT. I was surrounded by amazing cartoonists! Marek Bennett (in the hat) was responsible for telling me (MANY years ago) that there...

3 min read

The Middlebury Diary

The drive up to Middlebury has been a literal roller coaster of emotions and hills and hairpin turns and combine harvesters and overpacked bicycles on steep roads with NO shoulder. Exhausting. Plus I got lost. Twice. I start to fall asleep at the wheel after about 35 minutes... so I finally stopped at the Sharon...

2 min read

Back to WRJ

Lilah and I lucked out with the first sunny day in a week as we headed up to White River Junction for a mini-escape. We spent most of the day at the Montshire Museum of Science - there's a new exhibit about the engineering inside toys. Before the sun disappeared, we hiked down...