I found Lilah Bean on the beach! Her hair is a big shell, body and flippers are rocks, ladder is part of a lobster trap. Mini Bean is made from shrink plastic.

After months of planning, it is amazing how fast the actual event blows by! UNTangle, the Holiday Edition, was a great success. We kept this one small and that meant we all got to know each other a bit better, plus there was elbow room to work on tangley projects.

The hotel made cupcakes to celebrate Terry's birthday. They included bottles of chocolate sauce so we could tangle them ourselves! Sweet!
Half our group
Our basic tiles - just to make sure everybody has a good foundation... before we start breaking the rules!
Jenny, who owns a shop on Mount Desert Isle, brought laser cut snowflakes for us to tangle.
Linda adds a bit of bling to her snowflake.
Along the Marginal Way.
I have an urge to tangle a bunch of rocks and return them to the beach... Random Acts of Tangling...
The view from my window. Low-ish tide.

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