You've all been waiting with baited breath (that's a sort of gruesome image...) to hear about the next retreat! Here it is! We (Linda Pearl and I) had been planning a retreat for the end of September, but that is still high season in Maine and the hotel costs were... well, ridiculous. So we decided to do November - before the holiday insanity really kicks in.

The retreat will be from Friday, Nov. 9th to Sunday, Nov. 11th.

This is the perfect time to escape for a weekend, practice your tangling, meet some new friends... and some old ones, learn, play, eat, and look out at the gorgeous ocean. This UN-Tangle will be similar in format to the one in March, the only real difference is there will be a holiday flavor. This is a RETREAT. That means relaxing, easy-going, adaptable. This is not a super-high-power-work-until-you-drop kind of thing. I emphasize this for the 2 (out of 35) people who were disappointed at the last retreat that we didn't cram in more, more, more. You know who you are. I like you anyway. ;-D

Do not fear, you'll get your money's worth! I give you lots of "stuff" and materials to play with. I'll teach you a bunch of cool things. And I am available to answer any questions, help with projects, ideas, whatever you want to talk about. And this time, we won't have 35 people, so you will have a bit more space to stretch out. But that also means that you need to grab your spot ASAP because I will not give in to those puppy dog eyes and Linda will hold firm at 24 spots... or maybe 30... NO! NO! We will not allow "just a few more people" to squeeze in this time!

We start around 3 on Friday and go til around 1 on Sunday.
On Saturday, you have 2 hours for lunch and shopping in town, if you like. Or take a walk along the shore path. This is your retreat. If you want to sleep late, or stay up late, or the sun is shining and the ocean is calling you... follow your bliss. You can walk into class later or leave when you want. If you miss something, just ask and it will be repeated for you. Heaven, right?

If you need more practical details, you may email Linda Pearl.

Pricing for the weekend workshop, including materials, is $250.
There are three different choices for lodging and meals:
Commuter = $250 (meals, fees, no lodging)
Double = $475 (meals, fees, shared room)
Single = $625 (meals, fees, private room)

If you sign up by Sept. 1, 2012, you will get a $75 discount off your room rate!

Also, you are welcome to bring a friend or spouse, etc. even if they don't want to take the workshop - that's why I have the room and workshop rates listed separately. The Beachmere Inn is a wonderful hotel and the rooms are spacious (even with three people in them!) and they all have kitchenettes. So if you have particular culinary peculiarities (picky eater) - you can fill your own fridge. And don't be afraid to ask Linda to find a roommate for you if you are coming on your own.

Lastly, here are a few pics from the March UN-Tangle Retreat:

That's a lot of talent! But don't be intimidated. No one shows off until Sunday. ;-D
What we did to the windows overlooking the pub...
Kim (The Beachmere's Events Manager) noticing what we did to the windows!
The snowy-ocean-sunset-view from my room.

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