I wanted to let you all know about a fantastic online program that will be starting up in August - The Craft and Business of Illustrating Children's Books - run by Mira Reisberg of the Children's Book Academy.

This isn't an affiliate link thing, I don't get paid for telling you about this workshop - but I did take the class last fall and I was lucky enough to receive a scholarship... and then I was offered a book project with Clear Fork Publishing...

"Ready, Set, Gorilla!" written by Melissa Stoller, will be out this fall - and I will write a separate blog post about the book itself. I want to help spread the word so Mira will know how much I appreciate all the work she puts into this class and how much she cares about her students!

For now - I wanted to encourage anyone who has every wanted to learn about illustrating picture books to sign up for this workshop! Scholarships are still available - there is a link at the bottom of this post. You have nothing to lose!

As added incentive - if you sign up and then email me your confirmation (proof!), I will send you a PDF of all my sketch-notes from the class!
Yup. I sketch-noted the entire five week class!!

The What: It’s a 5+ week online interactive e-course/training program that teaches you just about everything that you need to know about illustrating children’s books and getting illustration work; building an illustrator or author/illustrator platform, and selling your work, with an additional 6 months of access. For writers, we teach you exactly how the illustration process works to enhance your writing process and maybe, you might, as others have done, discover your own inner artist, with the fun easy techniques. We use scaffolded teaching techniques for fearful beginners, courageous writers, award winning illustrators and everything in-between, as you either create a picture book dummy and color sample or portfolio pieces!The When: Monday-Friday: The course starts August 20th with the first live training happening that night and runs through September 22th. It’s designed to be extremely time flexible so you can access the materials and interact as much or as little as you like. No one is ever in trouble, but the more you can put in the more you’ll get out of it. The additional 6 months of access or more makes it very doable no matter how busy you are and the private Facebook group continues on indefinitely to provide continued support for your children’s book goals.The Where: The comfort of your own home, a café, the library, in bed, anywhere that you can get Internet access. You don’t need to travel anywhere for this course plus you can still take it even if you are traveling.​The How: Fresh lessons, demonstrations, exercises, and interviews and studio visits from our awesome contributors are released on our password protected website that also includes tons of resources including lists of publishers and agents, worksheets, done-for you templates, and much more. We interact via our private Facebook group where questions are answered and small critique groups are set up for those who want them. We have a special webinar page for each week where students post responses to each webinars topic – e.g., thumbnails, quirky or memorable characters etc. Times are scheduled to accommodate folks in different countries as much as possible and we also record the webinars for those who can’t make it live.
The Why: The most important one. If you want to illustrate children’s books or learn how illustration works, this is the best value course to successfully get published. It’s the original 5wk interactive picture book illustrating course with industry experts and a multi-award-winning best-selling faculty, with a phenomenal proven track-record of published, contracted, and now agented former students. No other course gives this level of focused attention to each student, with a money back guarantee for folks who do the work and still don’t think that they learned a tremendous amount after a year. The course is also the only one that provides fantastic submission opportunities and empowers students to do all sorts of extraordinary things.

Dr. Mira Reisberg is a multi-published award-winning children’s book illustrator and author whose books have sold over 600,000 copies. Besides running the Children’s Book Academy, she is also an acquiring Editor and Art Director at Clear Fork Publishing’s children’s book imprint Spork. Mira is also a former children’s literary agent, a university professor teaching kid lit writing and illustrating courses as well as teacher ed. She has a PhD in Education and Cultural Studies with a focus on children’s literature and has helped MANY writers and illustrators get published. Her job at Spork allows her to help even more people.
Andrea Miller has designed and/or art-directed many successful children’s books for both Sterling Publishing and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt including, “Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast” by Josh Funk, “Mira Forecasts the Future” by Kell Andrews, “Accident!” by Andrea Tsurumi and “Winter Dance” by Marion Diane Baur. Most recently, she co-art directed and designed the #1 national best-selling children’s book, John Oliver’s “A Day int he Life of Marlon Bundo”. Andrea is also a published illustrator, and is co-creating a series of comics with her wife. She is excited and honored to jump in with the Children’s Book Academy for a rewarding experience as part of their esteemed faculty while looking for fresh talent in this course.


While the course is already very low cost for all that you receive, and has flexible payment plans, we also offer half and full Diversity Plus scholarships for writers and illustrators who identify as being of color, low-income, LBGQTI, or as having a disability, who are currently underrepresented in the children's publishing industry. Our courses have opened doors for many now published or contracted people and we have given tens of thousands of dollars worth of scholarships plus a ton of time and heart to recipients. There’s a reason that we get rave reviews and are able to offer a money back guarantee. So our big news is, that we’ve extended our scholarship deadline till Thursday July 5th. Please help us get the word out with this URL http://bit.ly/illoSchol
Now, I know many people think they can write but they can’t draw. Here is the opportunity to gain the tools and techniques to prove that this is not true! Can you remember being a kid and loving to make marks on paper or walls until someone told you you couldn’t? The world is your canvas. Really! This is not unattainable. Come join us and open wonderful new doors with both our amazing submission opportunities and beyond while we still have the $100.00 early bird discounts and FREE Photoshop course!!! You will be so grateful that you did! Just click the pretty pink button below for...

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