Bill was up at the Flying Goose Pub in New London, NH and texted me this amazing sight!

It's the poster I designed for Granite State Solar!I had gone to a Solarize Kearsarge meeting this spring and decided this was the perfect time for me to solarize my house. I had drawn these sketch notes at the meeting:

...and I showed them when I signed my Solar contract. I got a better reaction than I had expected - and I got a project to work on!The assignment was to design a large poster that would go on an iPad stand in the front entrance of the pub - and grab attention so folks would want to learn more about Solar panels. (The Flying Goose is solar-powered).The original design I created was modeled after a comic book cover -- I was thinking --- bar, get attention, attract a younger audience...

But I think it was a bit TOO... all that. The central image was too controversial and they preferred something gentler. Friendlier. So I redid it like this:

The central image is basically what you would see looking out the pub's dining room window... a solar array and Kearsarge Mountain in the distance.
I like it. And now I have to go visit it in person! If anyone else needs an excuse to go to the Flying Goose, I hope you'll join me!
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