Attention all Certified Zentangle Teachers! Bette Abdu just released the details about the 2nd Annual CZT Retreat - which will be in New Hampshire this year. Yeah! And it will be in the fall - last year's (which was great fun!) was in July and it was so freaking hot - October is much better. :-)

Here is her message, followed by images with the details. If you are interested, be sure to email her to get "real" copies of the info, or to ask any questions. I'll be teaching one of the days, but I intend to "retreat" on the other days. It really is a fun, relaxing way to do a CZT retreat - everyone contributes their knowledge and comes home refreshed AND revved up with ideas.

If you are NOT a Certified Zentangle Teacher this is NOT the retreat for you - come to my retreat in Maine, in November instead. Tee Hee!

Announcing the 2nd Annual CZT Retreat, October 25-28, 2012 in Tilton, NH at the Black Swan Inn  Special guest artist Sandra Steen Bartholomew  For details on this event write to

**This event is offered by Bette Abdu, CZT It is neither sponsored or endorsed by***

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