A meeting with my publisher and editor. Stomach growling, but first a chat with the Judikins folks about restarting my stamp line. Then ohmigosh we are going to miss our shuttle to LA. Forget lunch! Run!

After finally getting lunch at 4:30, my mom and I fell asleep in our hotel room, then spent hours reducing a suitcase full of catalogs and samples into a compact stack. Well, my mother did Sudoku, I compressed. Then I played with the ADHD coffee maker and remembered I had one photo from the show to post for you. The final installment of body art girl!

I'll be home on Friday, then we'll get the Etsy shop open and I'll try to remember all the things I was so excited about these past few days...

Oh! And if you are in the Concord, NH area this Saturday... I will be doing a Zentangle mini-workshop and book signing at 2pm at the Concord Public Library. It's for kids and adults and should be fun (and it's free!). Then... I plan to SLEEP and completely avoid people until next Wednesday when the kids come home.

PS - the UN-Tangle Retreat is almost filled up! I found some great ideas at CHA that I NEED to get for us to play with!!!!

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