Since I ended with the "dye-ing on the beach" last night, I'll show you what the scarves looked like today...

Here is Linda with her scarf...

And mine...

And a bunch of the others...

And that bright little glow in the background is the campfire on the beach. I'm waiting patiently for the s'mores we have been promised. So patiently.

Today was fun... But not as relaxing as yesterday. I slept much better, but woke up from nightmares about my digital boyfriend. (Don't ask) and listened to a lot of good advice at breakfast... But since it was all before 9am, I can't remember any of it. There was more great advice at lunch and that ended with my new friend from Australia saying I had one year to sell off everything, do a Kickstarter campaign, buy an Airstream, and take my daughter on a Tangling Across America caravan adventure. Hmmm... I started the idea, but it grew and grew...

The first class today was Dioramas. We were so cold working in the wood shed. When we took our pieces out to the beach to see if the glue would dry in the sun- we discovered it was a beautiful warm day... In the sun! Who knew?

So yesterday, I had used my teacup to create my Happy Place - Tiny World. Today I used the saucer to create my Dark Place in a cigar box.

It looks much better in real life. The plate (moon) really glows in the box and makes the people look more like silhouettes under a tree.

I finished a little early so challenged myself to use up all the extra pieces and the lid of the wooden cigar box.

Kind of looks like an owl man. Upside down it looks like a bug.

And the journal sketches:

I spent rest hour listening to the masters discuss biz and websites.

Mimi Kirchner, Lilla Rogers and Mati Rose McDonough... Hanging out in the lunchroom is just as educational as the classes!

As for the afternoon class... I knew within ten minutes that this was a mistake! Children's Books and Collage with Rebecca Emberly. Rebecca is amazing and knows everything about the industry,  but we were all feeling a little deflated because its not such a happy industry. Then when she spoke about contracts and publishers... Well, let's just say the day took a turn for the worse. :-( When we broke for a short break, we fled for the kitchen looking for cookies. The food lady gave us a trough of salsa and chips and we drowned our sorrows. One of my friends said, "now I understand why your cabin on the rocks (yesterday's post) was so inaccessible!" Indeed.

We only had about an hour to work on our collages, and I was still obsessing about cookies...

Definitely a theme here?

But we all came back to work on the porch after dinner.

Ah! We just scarfed down the s'mores


Now- I can go to bed happy!

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