Multi-tasking has never been one of my superpowers. Not even a little. As most of you know, I went back to school this fall to get my Masters in Cartooning. I did a Kickstarter to raise the money for tuition and my project (for Kickstarter) was to keep a blog about the whole experience.

I've been blogging away... but neglecting THIS blog. Again - not good at multi-tasking!

This weekend I posted the same blog post on this blog and the Glyphs & Glitches blog - and that confused some of the folks who follow both. And that got me thinking... this week marks the 1/4 mark of my program. The first semester is coming to a close! So, to celebrate (the holidays and my quarter mark) - I'm inviting you to come and check out the Glyphs & Glitches blog. You can read back through the posts and experience the thrills and chills...

This is free - my gift to you. But you won't get the cool things that I have emailed to the subscribers - like pdfs and new posts in your inbox.

If you WOULD like pdfs of my comics and all new posts directly to your email inbox - you can subscribe through my Etsy shop... HERE. (Just be aware that you don't get an object or actual download from Etsy. It will send you an image file which is just a placeholder.)
Once I get your subscription, I'll add your email to the subscription list and anything new will come right to ya!

I've also added a PayPal button to the blog (and I'll put it here too...)



If you missed the Kickstarter and would like to contribute to my campaign/project now - I'd love to have your support and enthusiasm. There is still another semester of crazy hard work to come and, depending on the level of your contribution, I hope to be sending out some fun things this spring.

To those of you who have already joined me on my adventure - THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! As you know from reading the G&G blog - I am learning so many new things (and hopefully, so are you). I couldn't do what I do without you and it wouldn't be as much fun without the sharing of experiences.

and I hope you enjoy reading the blog.

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