We had semester reviews in Life Drawing class on Thursday. I pinned up 10 sets of figure drawings and it was interesting to see the work on the wall. Usually, I see it close up as I'm working, then flip to the next page. Rinse and repeat. I took some photos of the work on the wall and it's at the end of this post if you are interested.

I also wanted to show you this interesting workout we did last week. Bill, the teacher, called it the Paper Doll Exercise.

We started by drawing the model nude, then again with underwear.

She added a tank top, sneakers and shorts - and we put tracing paper over the first sketch, and drew her again.

We kept adding a new sheet of tracing paper and drawing the new outfits over the old...

It was a very interesting way to see how clothing affects the shape of the body... and vice versa.

Here are a few of my drawings from the review: