I collected my Valentines today! Haven't had such fun with Valentine cards since grade school! Although the sentiment is slightly dangerous in the hands of cartoonists.

Meanwhile, back in Comic History, we have been learning about the Underground Comix Movement. This is not a movement that I am particularly fond of. Lots of rule breaking, backlash, over the top-everything - sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. But, it was important in moving forward the medium and making it more inclusive and putting the power of expression into the hands of the creators. Zines, self-publishing... all that.

The most important thing covered today was that Mondays aren't necessarily awful.

I've been battling an awful onslaught of Depression and had some set-backs last week. But, sometimes, when things blow up... it solves (or eliminates) the problem for you.

We'll see.

I had a great weekend with the Kid, got some sleep, blew off obligations and spent time talking with some good friends. I also got excited about some projects again.

And then, in class today, our teacher brought in tons of Girl Scout cookies for us!