A couple of days before I drove Alex to college, I got an email from the school that the pages for the Summer Anthology were due in a week! Since it wasn't "required" my first instinct was to say - No thanks, I'm way too busy right now! Then I realized - if I can't handle this assignment, how would I survive the real school work!?

So I got to work - brainstormed with my son, sketched, inked, shaded, scanned and sent off the pdf and then headed off to Poughkeepsie with Alex. Phew!

Here are the sketches...

I show you these because I think it is kind of amazing how much the shading changes them!

Here are the finished pages...

I will send an email with the complete anthology to everyone who is on the blog list. It is a large file, plus the cover, but it has everyone's submissions. Please don't post it or share it! It is for your own enjoyment.