I have had a few complaints that I haven't posted in a while... I did warn you that I was pretending to take a sabbatical. "How'd that work for you?" you are wondering? Well, I did get a lot done! What? I wasn't supposed to be working? Drat. I'll have to start over... So, besides the books (I'll tell you about them another time), here's what I have been doing for some of the time:

No kidding!! I'm going to teach on a cruise on the Danube! Want to come too?

This trip is being organized by Diana Hudson, who I met at the CZT #7 training in Providence. I am going to pull out some chunks from all her emails to me, since she describes the trip so yummily:

Hi Sandy,

I spoke with you at the last CZT conference about putting together a ... TANGLE group cruise, ... time is running out on the special $500 discount, which ends November 15, after that it would only be a 5% discount. Also the cabin upgrades at this time are 50% off.  The cruise time is actually April 18-25th with an option of a 3 day pre-cruise stay in Prague.
This is a wonderful opportunity for a group of like minded people getting together for a week of travel, fun and education.  
The Danube River Cruise with AMAWaterways is very special and because it is a river you don't have the rocking of the ship and therefore would be ideal for Tangling on board.  ... a day of touring the countryside, finding all kinds of inspiration with the OLD WORLD architecture.  I know it would be a wonderful adventure for all.

This is the website for AMA Waterways.  I actually have done this cruise and it is wonderful. www.AMAWATERWAYS.Com ...The beds can be configured with one bed or two.   OHH, writing this is bringing back the feeling of getting in to the wonderful plush bedding.  It was delightful.  I actually booked a single for myself when I went and it was really nice, but would have been just as comfortable with sharing if I had someone that I really liked. :)   I was in a Category C Cabin and it was perfect so I would personally recommend that category or A &B.  Those cabins have the sliding patio like door that you can leave open and get that wonderful fresh air.

I know everyone would like to have a class taught by none other than Sandy Bartholomew.  :) Diana Hudson

CZT & Travel Specialist

So, if that is true that you all would "like to have a class taught by none other than Sandy Bartholomew." Now is your chance!! The Tangling portion of the cruise will be a separate fee, but completely optional. So you can bring a spouse, a lover, even your teenager, and they will not be forced to tangle. They might be "lured", but definitely not "forced". ;-D

What, exactly, we will be doing for the program will be determined once I know how many people are signing up and their tangling level and passions. In other words, I will customize it for you! There is a limited amount of space where a class can be held (I think holds 20 people?) - so be sure to mention, when you sign up, if you want to be part of the Tangle program. Yell, "First dibs" or some such thing. There is still plenty of time to decide how we want to play. First, we need to know who is coming! Remember, Nov. 15th is the deadline for the discounts. (You can still sign up after that, if there is space).

If you have met me in person, or even if you read my blog, you know that I love to chat about Zentangle, art, weird little kids,... well... just about everything except politics and taxes. I'll tell you the behind the scenes stuff for my books, what projects I have in the works, and all the stuff that is too juicy to post here on my blog! (A certain group of people at CZT #7 can attest to that!)

But, wait, there's more!

I'll also be bringing my mother, Kay, who is the other half of Wingdoodle, my store in NH. Not only can she talk about ANYTHING, including politics and taxes, she can do it in a few different languages. She speaks German and has lived in a few of the towns we will be visiting. She is very useful to sit near at a restaurant so you don't accidentally order broiled pig's feet with brussel sprout toe jam. It happens, believe me. (You can never go wrong with mac and cheese). And she probably already knows your parents, your dog, or your second cousin. And, even if she doesn't, she'll pretend she's does, and you'll all be fast friends within minutes. :-)

Still not convinced?

OK, I'm thinking about bringing my son, Alex. This 14 year old star of Zentangle for Kidz! is actually a real boy! (Eat your heart out Pinocchio!) Not only is he a Zentangle addict, but he also knows everything about geography and is very handy to have around when your ignorance is showing. Whispered discreetly in my ear: "It's not Czechoslovakia any more, mom." But, seriously, he knows a lot, never talks down to me, and always draws me a sketch when there is too much text for me to digest in one sitting. He also knows a lot about music - plays the saxophone and a gazillion other things, composes, dances, acts... oh, and knows how to fly a plane. OK, OK, smaller planes, but I still find it comforting to have him sit near me on the airplane.... just in case. So if you have a cool teenager, bring them along too. If you are at all interested, or curious, send Diana an email asking for all the details. She has some pretty pictures of the boat too. (Ohmigosh it is beautiful!) If I have excited you to the point that you are screaming "Yes! YES! Where do I sign!?" then email Diana and be sure to tell her that you want to join the cruise and that you want more info about the Tangle program too when it is available. Don't forget to yell "First dibs!" in your email. :-)

And be sure to re-post and pass this on to your friends - let's tangle across the ocean!

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