To see what I did on my Spring Break, take a look at my Beez In The Belfry blog post. It involved the ocean and lots of chocolate - so, in all, an excellent break!

I got a lot of time to draw comics while I was in Bar Harbor. I wandered around, sat in cafes, eavesdropped, made notes, and drew comics about the previous day's experiences. Then I would return to my sister's house - vibrating from caffeine and cookies - and draw late into the night. Aaaah.
It was heaven!
I'm trying to find a way to spend the summer doing this!

Sketch for Bar Harbor page:

Inked Bar Harbor page. "Inked" is used loosely as I used a PaperMate ballpoint pen. My favorite drawing tool.

I decided to do "Memoir" as my Non-fiction theme for the project (sketches due for class tomorrow!) and I had a great time observing and turning everything into comics. It definitely puts a different spin on events, good and bad, when they are just "material" for the comic.

I hope that I can continue doing this... and I hope I can get enough courage to draw more of the personal, the painful, and the legal events in my life. That's a lot of power! Some folks will wish they'd behaved better!

Meanwhile, back in the studio....

Upon my return, Lilah greeted me with the order that we must go up to the studio and she MUST sculpt a tree. Yes, a tree. No, it's not a school project. She had an idea in her head and she MUST get it out.

Lilah, I understand.

And I just happen to have an entire drawer filled with Paperclay... (yes, you DO have the BEST mother ever!!)

Lilah and Minou (the cat)

Lilah (and Lilah and Minou! And tiny squirrel inside tree)

And bird in nest...

And then she added her brother, Alex, who had just returned from his Spring Break trip to Cuba (!?). She even added his French Horn case (on the right) even though this was a choir trip, not band.

And a snake...

For reference - that's three LARGE packages of Paperclay! The tree has a cardboard tube armature and she used plastic straws for supports in the branches. Next time I'm home and she's home (2 weeks) she plans to paint it and glue on paper leaves. Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion!

And now... BACK to SCHOOL!
Just one month left. OMG.