It was so much fun having Lilah hang out at school with me for a few days! On Friday she was our model for Life Drawing class. I was a little worried that she might get nervous or shy at the last second, but she aced this!

We broke the ice by getting there early and doing some hula hooping.  She did some hooping for our warm up, 15 second drawings. Then she got really into the poses and costume changes!

She had brought the fancy flower-girl dress from my brother's wedding, her Hermione robes, and a bunch of others, plus a wand and wooden snakes.

Our teacher tried to "pose" her, but she mostly had her own ideas. She was such a hoot... and a ham.

She took lots of breaks, but also was able to keep some of the poses for quite a long time. Reading was good for about 10 minutes...

Drawing on the big white board was good for at least 20 minutes...

And drawing on paper was a double length pose...

She was excited to show us her drawings after.
Minou was particularly impressed with the cat flying an invisible plane!

The school PTBs (Powers That Be) surprised us all with an impromptu pizza party (to thank Lilah) right after class. Lilah had just said "I'm hungry" and Michelle poked her head in the door and said the magic words...
"Hot pizza?"

Oh yummy!