... down

Want to help tangle the stairwell walls at my studio? Sunday, August 21 from noon til we drop. I'll supply paint pens, you bring your own lunch/snacks. The Belfry, 19 E. Main Street, Warner, NHThe walls above the railings are already divided into sections so we can pretend those are the "tiles." Although, some of the tangles may... creep.. over into other tiles. BTL JOOS has a tendency to do that. Or they might go under the trim to get to a new tile... it should be fun! And there are a LOT of sections we can work on. Any age tangler is welcome as long as: 1) they already know how to tangle  2) they are tall enough to reach the tangle-able walls  3) they are stable enough to stand on the inclined surface and draw.4) no whiners (or brats)
I really hope I am not all alone on Sunday. Just tangling away in the Belfry. Actually, that sounds kind of nice... but it is supposed to rain, so come spend your gloomy day with me. ;-D

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