Day Four - but who's counting, right?

Oh? Deadline is counting? Eeeek!! That's quite a turbulent storm going on around him...

Lots more good workshops today - Lettering (I adore lettering!), Webcomics, and how to photocopy, reduce and assemble the mini-comics the old-school way (without computers).
Jon Chad also showed us his collection of mini-comics which was both fascinating and agonizing. Fascinating... see the samples below. And agonizing because we wouldn't have time to do anything cool with our own comics.
These were silkscreened covers:

This one was Make Poop and had a nifty little envelope in the back with a body you could draw the digestive system onto. Fun!

Here's the cover of the Make Poop comic and another that had cut paper teeth...

Beard had a cut under the man's nose that held the cover flap in place...

Here, the cover flap is open... no beard!

A bunch of Monster comics with Monster slip covers...

A screen printed brown paper bag held three mini-comics...

Mini-comics as postcards... or, rather, postcards as mini-comics...

Mini-comic pins!!? You can rearrange the pins to change the story...

Meanwhile - I'm INKING LIKE CRAZY!! I did one page and realized I would never finish. So I went through all the pages drawing everything that needed to be done with a brush and ink. Then went back through with the 08, thicker, pen. Then back through again with the 03 liner pen to draw all the lettering and finer details.

PHEW!!! I finished around 8pm. I was lucky to get help from the teachers before they took off for the night - they helped me get my covers laid out and printed, in color.
I hated the idea of having to photocopy, reduce and glue down the pages in the right order, so I headed back to my apartment and started scanning...
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