Day 3... ummm... yeh - more intenser-er! I haven't gotten much sleep this week. Staying up till 2 or 3am and class starting at 9:30am. Yawn....

Luckily, our teachers are full of pep and energy. Here they are embellishing the Skull of Deadline Doom and giggling maniacally...

No stress.

Lots of good stuff in the daily lectures, but I'm no longer taking notes. We are allowed to work on our projects while we listen and I feel like I have so much work to do. Curse your slowness Sandy!

I've converted my rambling scribbles into orderly scribbles. Now they look like real thumbnails. I know where each panel goes and each dialog balloon. And... this is NOT an 8-page comic. Curses again!!

The story only works with 12 pages. Can I do this? I must be able to finish it. I MUST!

These comics have to be designed with multiples of four pages. If you fold a piece of paper in half, that gives you four pages (front and back).

I can do this. I CAN do this...

Now comes the hard part - I have to start penciling, or drawing, the actual pages at 125%. I have to add the details, the personality, the real dialog...

Here's the thumbnail for page 10 (it's about an inch or so:

And here is the penciled page for page 10 (8.5x11" paper):

Here's page one when it was first sketched out on the paper from the thumbnail:

And here is page one after I refined it:

And here's the final page (page 12) - drawn at about 3am...

Just a day and a half left to ink them and turn them into a comic book... yikes!? Can I do it?!