Hey all, I got permission from Mary Ann to reprint her email letter here on my blog. I love the idea of creating Zentangles to help others heal. And I believe that it really does help... and it certainly doesn't HURT! So if you have a moment tomorrow, send healing, protective thoughts to Mary Ann, and if you have two moments ;-D create a tangle for her too. And by the way, Mary Ann is a "Totally Tangled" artist, a really cool lady, and one of my role models. So let's take care of her with our thoughts and prayers. Cheers!"It's MaryAnn here, from CZT class #1.  I recently found out that I have a  couple of nodes growing in 2 sections of my lungs that shouldn’t be  there.  It’s been decided that they  have to be removed and the date set for that is Sept. 7th.   Since I've had a bit of time  to prepare for it, I’ve been using a program called Prepare for Surgery and Heal  Faster by Peggy Huddleston (google her name if you want to know more about it,  it's excellent for anyone having surgery, big or small).  It endeavors to bring  focus on the positive aspects of what’s happening and so I’m trying to come  up with some creative approaches to this.   One of the  exercises is to picture yourself first as you are healing and then again already  healed, doing something you love to do.   Well, that’s an easy image…. making and teaching Zentangle!  I’m hoping some of you can help me with  this.  If you would, pick a date  between Sept. 7th and October 7th and on that day send me  one of your tangled tiles.  Each  day, I plan on feeling better and better, stronger and stronger until I am  healed and whole again (this could take a couple of months but I’m being  optimistic!  LOL)  And, as each Zentangle arrives, with its  love and healing energy stored up in the Tangles, I will be building a mosaic of  strength and support from my Zentangle friends and colleagues.  (mailing address is  below)I plan on journaling my  journey down this road and hope to use my recovery time to continue to grow  personally and professionally.   Maybe by using Zentangle as part of my recovery “tools”, I’ll be able to  learn to help others use it too and I’ll share that with y’all.I’m also having a prayer  circle begin praying for me ½ hour before my surgery time.  If you wish to participate, please  begin 8am Sept. 7th and while  you are praying or just sending postive energy (in whatever fashion you are  comfortable with) please imagine that you are wrapping me in a beautiful  Southwestern Indian blanket of love.  The  actual visualization of that image will help you to focus the energy.   That’s it.  Thank you so  much.As soon as possible after the  surgery, I'll send out an email update."WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS,  MAKE LEMONADE!"  (or Zentangles!)With greatfulness and  affectionMaryAnn, CZT (Class  #1)" MaryAnn Scheblein-Dawson
Origami Specialist and Certified Zentangle  Teacher217 Hoffman Street

Franklin Square, NY  11010

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