Our Visiting Artist this week was writer, artist, and anthropologist - Dana Walrath.
The first half of her presentation was about how she came to comics from her science background. After burning out in academia, she created an incredible mixed-media comic book about Dementia. Based on her experiences and stories while caring for her mother (Alice) the book is called Aliceheimer's - Alzheimer's Through the Looking Glass:

Despite the serious subject matter, Dana Walrath had a contagiously cheerful, positive, and very humorous view of the world.

The second part of her talk got much darker as she moved on to discussing Genocide. She is working on some intriguing (and disturbing) projects and it was very exciting to get a look at them. View from the High Ground will be printed as a book with die-cut pages. For now, it is part of an exhibition you can view online HERE. It presents images from nine genocides from the past 500 years.

My favorite quote from this presentation is: "Science should explain Nature, not control it."

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