It started as a "great idea" - as they often do... and turned into a major project! Now my eyes are starting to cross from staring at the screen and I realize I haven't eaten anything since... wow... it's been more than 7 hours! I think it is time to call it a day, post the new ebook, and go watch some "Vampire Diaries" to relax.
Over a week ago, I decided I wanted to create a new tangle, as a gift, and post it on here to wish you all a wonderful holiday. Seemed simple enough, right? So I created the new tangle, called Bauble, and then thought it needed a tangled Christmas Card to go with it. If this is sounding like the book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" - then you can see where this is going. Although no cookies were involved. Yet. Bonnie did leave some yummy looking cookies that will be my reward for finishing this!!
The image for the "card" grew... so I decided to take step-by-step photos of the decisions and process. I took some more photos as I added the shading... then Lilah (my little Art Director) said to do it over in color (!?) So, of course, I did. More photos. "Hmmm," I thought, "maybe you folks would be interested in seeing the steps involved?" So I laid it out in InDesign and made a pdf. And it turned out to be 35 pages long. Whoa. So I added tips and instructions and thoughts... and it kind of turned into a little book.
I asked my sister and Bonnie to take a look and say if it is OK to post. My sister has probably already gone to bed, and I don't want to wait until tomorrow, but Bonnie gave it the thumbs up.
Here is her "advance review":
I love it. It's a great tangling adventure and worth $8.50 for sure. It's a great source of information on color, shading, and design and such a relief after looking at all the tiles posted for the class I took. It puts the fun back into tangling.
- Bonnie, (My Main Minion)
That sounds like a thumbs up to me.
I've posted the new ebook, Inspiration Sketchbook #3 - The Bauble Tree on Etsy and on my Wazala shop. If you'd like to pay full price ($8.50), you can purchase it on Etsy.

But since I love you all and can't send every one of you hand knitted socks, I CAN give you a special code so you can download the ebook from for just $1.00 (until December 25, 2013) The special Holiday Super-Secret Code is: V7FVMBN547. Be sure to enter it into the right spot in the shopping cart when you check out or it won't work!

Update: This is the shopping cart screen (above). After you put the ebook into your cart, you need to put the discount code (V7FVMBN547) into the box that says "Discount Code" and then press "Apply". Your total will then show "1.00" Unless... you buy lots of other things while you are in my shop. ;-D
After you pay, you will receive an email receipt in your inbox from Wazala with the download link in the receipt.

Yes - the images in the ebook are of Christmas trees... or Holiday trees... but there is nothing religious about the book and it is actually about composition and shading and coloring and could be applied to any artwork you do. And any season of the year. Even NON-tangled art. Gasp.

I hope you enjoy it tremendously! And if you make something cool or it helps your art in some way, I'd love to know!
Whatever holiday you celebrate this time of year - I hope it is wonder-filled. :-)
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