I just got the Stampbord email Newsletter and it had a banner saying "Click here to see the Contest Winners!" So I did... imagine my surprise when I saw the winner was ME! Cool! I did Zentangle flowers on the little Stampbord tiles with acrylic paint in some areas. If you haven't yet tried it, the Stampbord surface is really nice to tangle on. It's a very smooth, white clay surface that can be scratched away rather like the scratchboard we used in grade school. But better. Not that any of us ever makes a mistake in Zentangle... but isn't it nice to know that corrections are easily made?

I think the prize is lots of Stampbord to play with. I still have a bit left from the last time I won the contest - tee hee hee! If you would like to try some, send me a SASE with a bit extra postage and I'll send you some tiles. (I'll put in as many as are covered by your postage - fair?) I don't mind sharing! Send your SASE to: Sandy Bartholomew PO Box 359 Warner NH 03278.

(The tiles are from 1" to 2" or so, some square, some rectangles.)