Would you believe that the ground FINALLY feels stable again? For the week after I got home, I kept feeling like the floor was tilting. I went from a bus, to a train, to a boat, to an airplane!! I don't really want to go anywhere for a while now... actually Ken and I are going up to Bar Harbor tomorrow morning to get Alex. He's been up there all month at an arts camp. His sister misses him terribly, but he's off to NYC with his grandparents on Sunday. Whew!

I'm guessing my mother had a very memorable birthday!! She got to celebrate it every night on the boat - and they decorated her cabin with balloons and a cake. She just got back on Monday and I bet she is very tired. She continued on with her adventure after the boat docked (and Ken and I flew home). She took a train to LA to visit my brother, then another train across the country.

I'm hoping my birthday adventure is really fantastic too. But shorter! I'm going to France in September to celebrate my 40th. Seems like an appropriate place to run off to. I am a little disappointed that my husband is not going, but my sister is. That will probably be more fun. And she knows French too - very helpful! Most of the trip is in southern France at an art journaling retreat, but we do have a few days in Paris at the start. And we don't have a hotel yet, so if anyone has any recommendations PLEASE let me know!!!

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