I am SOOO excited to get my new iPhone 5. I admit it - I am a geek. I love new tech toys. When my ex told me I had to get my own phone contract, I was actually excited - and it seemed like destiny that a new iPhone was coming out just at this moment!!!

On the other hand, I can't believe how ridiculously much people spend on their phone/data contracts. Seriously? Oh well... now I have my own number and my own ridiculously expensive data plan. So the only clear-headed thing to do is to get a ridiculously expensive case for the phone, right? Well... I am sort of practical. If I am going to spend THAT much on a case, I want a custom one with my own image. And, then I thought "Wow! That looks really cool! I need to show it to you all." And then... "Oh! Maybe they want one too?"

So I have posted my design on Zazzle! We can all have matching cases. Ooo-AH!

UN-Tangled iPhone 5 case

UN-Tangled iPhone 5 case by BumbleBat
Browse more Zentangle Casemate Cases

I also have to tell you a ... strange?... revelation I had. My dad told me to trade in my old iPhone at Best Buy to get the new one. I usually avoid those big stores because they overwhelm me. Two seconds after entering, I can't remember why I am there. But when I want something badly enough... The sales associates were nice enough (the girl was particularly nice) - well, the sales guys were kind of idiots - but the GEEK SQUAD? Those guys are my people!! I handed my old phone to the Geek (I say that with respect) to assess it for trade-in. He fondles it looking for damage, then says "oh my god, is this a Lego case?" Sigh. True Love. So all those friends who keep telling me to go hang out in bars and start checking out guys, did you mean the Geek Bar at Best Buy? :-)