Forgot to show you this other thing my fireman did for me. He scraped the black, mildewed caulking out of the "new" shower, cleaned it, and re-caulked the whole thing. That man is so romantic. Lilah helped by writing the warning sign.

I had hoped to come back to school a week early to spend some quality alone time with my projects, but I got back here Saturday night.

I did move some things around and I put privacy film on all the windows facing the parking lots...



Sunday morning, I woke up with a swollen neck and the feeling that I had swallowed glass shards! The doctor at Urgent Care said it was strep, prescribed antibiotics and rest. Funny how those things don't seem to go together for me. I have more trouble sleeping when I am taking meds. I am exhausted and discouraged though.

Today, Tuesday, was to be the first day of the new Semester and I couldn't decide if I could muster the energy to walk three blocks in the 12 degree, very windy, sunshine. And then sit upright for three hours. And pay attention. The fevers were all over the place and all I could think about was how much my throat hurt.

Finally, my mom texted and said I needed to rest. Stay still, drink water, and sleep. While we were texting, Minou came and sat on my head!

I highly recommend this warm-cat compress for anyone else who is suffering from strep. We both fell asleep.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get out of bed...

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