Today, April 2, is "CCS Shout Out Day!" CCS is the Center for Cartoon Studies - soon to be my Grad School. The school is only 10 years old (10th Anniversary is this fall) and today is the day to get the word out about the school and cartooning.

Besides the obvious folks, artists, I hope that teachers will also take note of this post. Cartooning is such a fabulous tool for teaching! A great way to present information TO students, but also for students to express their OWN ideas. Being able to draw well is not as important to a comic as the ability to get the message across. Sequential Art opens up a whole world of possibilities.

If you are interested in cartooning, in general, take a look at the school's website - there are great links to other interesting sites and news about new comics and awards and alumni work. The Schulz library, at the school, has an impressive collection of comics, graphic novels and art books. (Zentangle for Kidz! is in the collection! :-) There's a library blog too.

If you are interested in getting your Masters in Cartooning or Applied Cartooning, the school has rolling admissions and there is still time to apply. We'd be classmates!!

If you are curious but don't want to commit two years of your life to comic books... and you'd like a whole lot of info packed into one week - then check out the summer programs! (There are scholarships available too.) Take a look at my links below so you can experience comic camp along with me (Summer 2014).

BEEZ in the Belfry: Pow! Zing! Comic Camp!Jul 07, 2014Comic Camp! My hotel room smells like feet. So does the hallway. And the lobby... This place - the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, Vermont - is an intriguing mix of blast from the past, mysterious - and "well, that's what ... in the Belfry: Pop-Pop-BLAM! - Comic CampJul 09, 2014Comic Camp. The teachers here are either wind-up toys or highly caffeinated! They have so much energy and enthusiasm, even at 9:30 in the morning! Me, I'm exhausted just typing the exclamation marks! ;-) Seriously, they ... in the Belfry: Ka-zaAM! - Comic CampJul 10, 2014We spent the morning learning the Old School (photocopies) and the New School (InDesign and Photoshop) methods of creating the actual, printed and bound, comic books. Then, after lunch, we got really serious! in the Belfry: Splotch! Ploop! - Comic CampJul 10, 2014This one incorporating a lot of rules, like "Pay It Forward" - in which you draw the first panel of the comic and then write the dialog for the second panel, then pass it on... yep, in just one minute. Sheesh. Other rules were ... in the Belfry: Zip! Squeeee! - Comic CampJul 12, 2014We finally got to hold our comics in our hot little hands! To recap - yesterday, we had two hours to draw our page and ink it. We went from brainstorming the story, characters, etc. right through to silkscreening and assemble... in ... here are links to my more recent blog posts and application, etc.:
BEEZ in the Belfry: Cartoon School... Step OneDec 06, 2014Today I am up in White River Junction, VT for Portfolio Day at the Center for Cartoon Studies. I haven't shown an actual portfolio in twenty years! I was so incredibly nervous that I almost let the winter storm that woke me up, ... in the Belfry: Not So FunnyJan 09, 2015I've never wanted to be a political cartoonist, but I do want to chronicle life, and the Charlie Hebdo incident has only served to reinforce my desire to go to cartoon school. Bored Panda had a fabulous post with cartoons drawn ... in the Belfry: Cartoon School… Step TwoFeb 06, 2015When I was working on my cartoon school application, I had to draw a comic that included myself, a robot, a piece of fruit and a snowman (?!). I also had to write an essay and all the other usual stuff. Since this is graduate ...