Our second Visiting Artist this week was one of my new heros! Marjane Satrapi visited Dartmouth College on Thursday and our whole school trekked up there (a few miles! Phew!)

I had read her books, Persepolis and Embroideries, but borrowed them from CCS' library. Now, I wanted my OWN copy of Persepolis so I could get it signed. I ordered it from Amazon to arrive Wed. afternoon, and when it didn't arrive... I discovered (through the modern miracle of Tracking) that I had stupidly sent it to my NH home instead of here at the apartment in VT. Dang dang DANG!!

I whined about my stupidity, in a text message, to the Fireman, who was, at that moment, creating a garden behind my house. Crazy man must like me a lot because he got the book from my mail pile, jumped in his truck, and drove it up here!! He arrived just as we were setting off to the lecture.

I DID get my book signed too! (Thanks Fireman!)

So, first, here are my notes that I made about a month ago, when I was reading Persepolis and researching Marjane for a class presentation:

And these are the Notes I made at the Dartmouth lecture:

Marjane has such a direct, no apologies way of speaking. One of the things she said that stuck in my mind was:

"As long as you're alive you can protest and shout,

yet laughter is the most subversive weapon of all."

I highly recommend that everyone read Persepolis in comic form, but there is also a movie version of Persepolis on Amazon.

If you are fascinated by her story as I am... there is a great interview with Marjane on YouTube and one in Vogue where Marjane is interviewed by Emma Watson.

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