An entire day spent in a moving metal box with the people you love the most. Priceless.

Actually, it's both a blessing and a curse. Especially when the introverted traits start clashing. But then there are heartwarming moments - like Alex playing Minecraft with Lilah for two hours.  Ahhhh... Touching.  There was plenty of time for doodling today.

Here is my breakfast table sketch...

And lunch...

Fat Kitty insisted on a full color portrait and he was very good at staying still.

We had a few stops today where we could go out and "breathe in the atmosphere." Unfortunately, it smelled like cigarette smoke and exhaust, but it was nice to use the bathroom when the train wasn't moving.

When the train was moving, there was always something gorgeous to see... Clouds, fields, buffalo, horses, rock formations...

And the sunset this evening... Wow.

My map is whacked out of scale! We covered a lot of ground today. Just now, we are leaving the Flagstaff station.

Our final destination tonight is Williams, AZ at around 11pm. Poor Lilah crashed on the couch and I'll have to wake her in about 15 minutes.

Last shot... Amazing red full moon rose over the desert!

Update: a first for me - the Williams Junction train "station" is a block of cement in the middle of nowhere. I felt very grateful indeed to see the van waiting to bring us to the hotel!  As soon as the train pulled away, the entire area was plunged into darkness. We drove a mile and a half over a washboard lane to get back to civilization. It was actually a lot like still being on the train.

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