Feels like I have mostly been doing "homework", going to meetings and classes, and working (very late at night) on the science kits for the Montshire Museum... but I HAVE been doing some work on my Thesis.

If you follow my comics, either here on the Glyphs & Glitches Comic blog or on Patreon, then you have been reading my Thesis as it develops.

Some of the Behind-the-Scenes stuff going on - we have Senior Presentations in a few weeks. We have to present slides and talk about our Thesis. My brain is just blank - I get so terrified even thinking about it.

We also have to create two 11x17 posters for an Exhibit that sum up our projects. THAT is much more exciting to me. And we are thinking about our projects and Book Proposals.

I used the format from the notes, above, to create my own book proposal diagram - below...

And these are my rough thumbnail sketches for what the poster might be like...

I'm leaning toward the 4th one - but I'll add lots of collage elements (drawn realistically in ballpoint).

In class - I have continued to try and turn every Sketchbook assignment into something I can use in my Thesis! Everything is still in sketch phase. I am hoping... praying... planning... that I will be able to devote all of my Winter Break to doing some SERIOUS focused drawing and inking!

One assignment was to do some sketches of one of our minor characters - facial expressions and activities. I chose Lilah, my kid, and turned her into a Paper Doll! Yes, the accessories match up to the doll. I'm sure this will look very different if... WHEN... I get around to doing the finished piece.