I'm sure you read the comic I posted a while back GOOD GIRL!... yes? If not, go read it, I'll wait...

So, yesterday, Elsa Bear (the newest TeddyBear) got to meet Theodore Bear (the retired TeddyBear)! As you can see in the photo above, both pups look very much like their comic selves - but Theo had just had a haircut so he is not so fuzzy/scruffy. Also keep in mind that, in real life, Theo is about 7 times the size of Elsa... see? Theo is sitting on his butt, and he is taller than Elsa who is standing on her back legs.

The Pup, The Kid, and I ventured out to Portsmouth to check on Theo and Mark (Theo's adoptive Dad) - they are both mourning the loss of Dolly. She was a sweet, old noodger of a Poodle. When Theo retired as my service dog, and joined Dolly and Mark's family, 2 years ago, he dragged them out to the dog parks and into the sunshine. He showered them with smiles, kisses, hugs, and so many new friends.

I hope that Elsa Bear will help to fill the lonely spot and we will have many more playdates. Elsa and Theo became fast friends - a little sister with her big brother ( alot like my own kids!) She has a long way to go to become a full service dog, but she shares the kind, loving, make-everyone-happy spirit that Theo has. If you need proof -

Am I right!? I believe just hugging this fuzzball can recharge your happiness battery!

It's hard to express the joy that I feel knowing that I can help others by raising a little Chewbaca/Snuffleupaugus/TeddyBear. If you live within driving distance, let me know how TeddyBear & GeekyGirl can help.