I've decided to pick two winners again since it seems much more fair. And I'm all about "fair". ;-)

This final Challenge features Gewgle, which is a play on words ("google" as in the wiggley eyes). Although these don't necessarily have to be eye-like... And don't worry about trying to get perfectly round circles. The slightly lumpy look just adds to the sense of realism! hee hee (eeew!?)

Post your art on the Beez Ink Studio Facebook Page. I'll choose one winner (well, Alex and Lilah will help) and the second winner will be by popular vote on Facebook. So be sure and "Like" your favorite!

The winners will be chosen next week on Thursday, August 29th, sometime after lunch. ;-)

Don't be afraid to post whatever you come up with - any skill level is welcome.
If you have been holding back and waiting for the perfect chance to jump in and give a Challenge a try - this will be the last one in this series, so let's see what you've got!

To see all the contest details, read this post.

Entries from Round 1 can be seen here.
Round 2 is here.
Round 3 is here.
Round 4 is here.
Round 5 is here.
Round 6 is here.

Gewgle is from the Kidz Edition card pack. Don't let the "Kidz" in the name fool you. This pack of cards has tons of great, non-juvenile, patterns in it. The "Kidz" just means that there are some Lilah Beans integrated into the pack. The Tangle card packs can be pre-ordered HERE.

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