I am sitting on a dock, with a chocolate chip cookie, thinking about what I need from my life. It is actually homework for today's class with Jen Lee. Well, the cookie isn't homework.

It is an incredible experience to be around so many other square pegs. I had thought I would blog about my classes and the amazing teachers, but I was too tired and just didn't feel like it. But today I am taking a class about the care of artists. Kind of like a self- maintenance guide. I am learning how to recognize the edge of the precipice, and not allow myself to keep walking over that edge. Willingly.

So, what is the universe telling me? Other than I need to blog at this bizarre moment in time? It is saying that the lake is very high and the water is only inches below my butt.... No, it's saying I need to make some new stories to tell myself. The old ones are bringing me down. I need to be a little bit more of who I was before I let myself become who I have been portraying. And it's a fine time to try on some new clothes. Literally and figuratively. Kind of like that old saying about using the good china. What the heck am I waiting for? AND, tonight is the Squam Art Fair and Wholly Tara will be there! I SO need some artsy clothes!  :-)

Time to go back to class- I must embrace my weirdness. Most people were probably enjoying the beauty of nature and writing in their journals. I needed to blog. Go figure.

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