It is such a strange feeling to arrive somewhere when everything is still dried up and wintery and then watch as the green bits start pushing their way out of the brown branches and ground.

I was inspired to draw these flower remnants in watercolor and Micron pen...

As I look out the window now, there are green leaves starting to hide these old, dry petals and new white buds forming.

Down by the ocean, I was encouraged to see these brave daffodils exploring a tangle of brambles...

And a nest in a very unlikely, and public spot.

Just one week later, there are little blue flowers everywhere! Lilah and I are in love with the secret forest garden behind the apartment. I want to create one like this at home. The dirt paths meander around and between rhododendrons and past a little yoga-tea-house, over a bridge and through a Japanese gate...

I found Lilah climbing an ancient tree in one of the garden "rooms" singing "Let It Go" to the vines. "It makes them grow better" she explained. Yes, I think that has been proven by scientists.

She wore her rain boots so she could walk in the water. I kept warning her NOT to let the water go over the tops... yea, right. She was playing chicken with the waves. Her boots were so full of water, she walked home in her sock feet.

When it rained, or was dark outside,  we drew and tangled and watched movies.

"girl with ponytail, reading a ghost story, in bed"

I put up two new posts on the Zentangle for Kidz blog with some of our masterpieces...
Techy-Tangled-Kids and Sand Drawings.

Yesterday, it was so warm and beautiful, we took one more walk by the water before she headed back to New Hampshire with my mom. There were lots of surfers out, and tourists too. I always forget that the weekends bring tourists. Today it is quiet and calm again. But I also miss my daughter. She has the most amazing way of looking at all the same things that I see everyday and finding the magic in them.