In case I forget to tell you, I think you are all amazing!
Here's another really cool letter as proof:

I really enjoyed Totally Tangled and it is the one book I keep in my bag with my tangle supplies. I thought you may want to see what I was inspired to paint. I am primarily a fiber artist: spinning, weaving, dyeing (you can see what I do in my etsy store).

I admit I hate to exercise. I find nothing productive about walking for an hour in front of a TV. I love spinning yarn. Combine the two and I will exercise happily.

So I converted an exercise bike to a spinning wheel. I designed it to look like an antique sewing machine and used tangles inspired by your book to paint the frame. Here are a couple of photos.
- Joy Cain

Spinning wheel? Exercise bike?! Zentangles?!!!
You are as curious as I was, right?


Joy's Spinning Machine! ...

Joy Cain
Joy Cain

It really works and she has posted the steps for creating the machine on her blog Joy Did It.

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