Yes, I can see the comments now "But I don't live close enough to come to your store..." So let's do an online sale too, OK?

This sale will be for 15% off everything in my Etsy store, Bumblebat. with a $20 minimum purchase. Sale ends April 18th, in the evening sometime.

Sound good? Be sure to enter the coupon code: SPRING13 during the check out process for the discount to take effect. (It doesn't count if you email me the code, I can't change your order.) Oh, and this sale is good until Thursday night. After that, the shop will be closed for vacation.

Starting this weekend, I will be away on an adventure for a few weeks and I'll be putting both the Etsy store and the web store on "Vacation Mode". That means I can't accept any orders because I'm not here. So, if you will be needing any books before May, please order ASAP or order directly through Fox Chapel or Amazon. The shops go into Vacation Mode on Thursday night. Remember, you can get the books at wholesale on the web store, but the Sale is only on the Etsy store.

Speaking of Amazon, you may have noticed my fabulous, mysterious Tangle Cards are listed for "Pre-order". Yes, coming soon! Amazon says Sept. 2013, but I'm hoping it will be sooner. When I know for sure, I will give you all the nitty-gritty details. If you can stop yourselves from pre-ordering from Amazon and wait to pre-order from ME... I will award your patience with special, secret, limited edition... stuff. ;-D All I can say right now is you are SO GONNA LOVE THESE CARDS. Yes, I AM yelling!

Back to my running away... um... adventure. I'll be thinking of what to sell on my Etsy shop... still pondering the wholesale dilemma. Thinking about doing an Etsy shop with all my grandma's portrait paintings (yes, she was an artist too) for sale to raise money for The BeeHive. Thinking about a bunch of different book ideas I'd like to do - both real books and ebooks. Thinking about classes and workshops and retreats and teaching at Art 'n Soul again.... hmmmm.... Thinking about doing a summer art camp for kids - and maybe for adults too? - with Dianne (a fellow CZT!) Mostly, I seriously need to get some new work done! But if you have any ideas, opinions, or requests... for any of the aforementioned items.... now is the perfect time to tell me. I really do want to hear your thoughts. I probably won't respond to emails until I get back in May, but I promise to read and consider all ideas. Unless they're mean. Meanies, I delete you! Right now, I need protein and chocolate and television. And sleep. You - go buy some stuff so I can make some new things. ;-D

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