The Lilah Bean Contest is On! I have all the entries that I have received posted individually on the Kidz blog: http://www.ztforkids.com/ and there is a Poll on the left hand side of the blog where you can choose your favorites. If you would like to nominate an entry for a special award, like "Best Hair" or something, put that in the Comments under that entry's post. If you are the artist and would like to add details about how you created your Lilah Bean, or a link to your own site, you can also add that to the Comments section.
I was really impressed with all the entries, from cardboard to glass, I love 'em all!! Go take a look... you have until Tuesday to vote.
(I will check at the post office tomorrow, Saturday, in case there are any late arrivals, and try to add them into the show on Sunday).
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