Thanks for all the reassurance and good criticsms. I do need thicker skin, I know, but that might backfire and prevent me from being sympathetic and all that. But I could definitely try harder to focus on the good and, perhaps, delicately step over the pile of...bad stuff. Right? I am going to try and celebrate more GOOD STUFF.   2011... GOOD STUFF... YAH!

Ironically, the best response to my last post came from my Ex, who sent me these reviews from AMAZON:

Samsung PN50A450 50-Inch 720p Plasma HDTV
I am not entirely satisfied with this product. The  instructions are unclear (probably because they are written by the  Japanese). It took me ages just to figure out how to operate it.  Finally, I figured out that the plug needed to be inserted into the  electrical outlet. It didn't say that anywhere in the directions!
Finding Nemo (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) (DVD)
DO NOT BE CORRUPTED BY THIS MOVIE!!! The movie was a little boring and looked really fake.  You could tell it wasn't real and was just a bunch of silly puppets. I  hope the kids that watch it don't really think fish can talk. Most of  the movie is scientifically inaccurate.

Playmobil Security Check Point

Great lesson for the kids! I was a little disappointed when I first bought this  item, because the functionality is limited. My 5 year old son pointed  out that the passenger's shoes cannot be removed. Then, we placed a  deadly fingernail file underneath the passenger's scarf, and neither the  detector doorway nor the security wand picked it up. My son said  "that's the worst security ever!" But it turned out to be okay, because  when the passenger got on the Playmobil B757 and tried to hijack it,  she was mobbed by a couple of other heroic passengers, who only  sustained minor injuries in the scuffle, which were treated at the  Playmobil Hospital.

Bic Crystal Ballpoint Pen
Left handers beware...
By Disappointed user (Taiwan)
Worked fine with my right hand, but when I came to use  my left hand my writing came out looking like the work of a complete  imbecile. I can only assume Bic have created a right-handed only pen,  and would caution left-handers to "try before you buy".

Ok, point taken!! If you enjoyed the above reviews (they are real!), click on the Playmobil link to see more ridiculous (and a little scary) reviews. The ones for the Bic pen also include lots of references to ear wax. I really liked the one begging for more available fonts. ha!

Now, I am only posting this next picture because so many people asked what happened. And I don't want people thinking I am stewing in self-pity and feeling sorry for myself over nothing. So, here's a picture of my eyes. If you are squeamish (I am!) don't look....

YUCK! And this is a week AFTER surgery. Last night, my daughter told me I was ugly and I agreed with her. But I said "I am still me inside" and she said "OK". And we snuggled and watched a movie together. LAST week, she wouldn't come within ten feet of me. But she did blow a kiss as she ran out the door. My doctor told me to expect small improvements everyday. Although, I think he was referring to my eye.  I am trying to keep my "chin up" and since my head must be elevated at all times, that is pretty easy. Sorry about the stupid jokes... I went off the narcotics yesterday.

I have been getting the coolest "eye" Zentangles from people and I will try to scan them and post them this weekend. I should copy my favorites right onto my face! Tattoos. Oh - there's another post there! Remind me if I forget to talk about tattoos...

Today I got this bouquet of COOKIES from my brother and his family:

You're jealous, right? Really good, almondy sugar cookies. Yummy! I ate the one in the middle because the feet are just too cute to eat just yet. I mean, the one on the right looks like ME! (flipped) Squinty eye and yellowy skin? Hee hee.
If anyone wants to send me more cookies... although dark chocolate is always appreciated. And I am almost out of milk too.

You are grossed out AND jealous and I can't let you leave in a bad mood. So here are a couple of shots, from just before the surgery, showing a typical evening at my house. I have a really weird family!

My daughter, Lilah, started it. My mom got mad at her for blowing bubbles in her milk. I got her a bowl to protect the table. My son, Alex, starting critiquing her technique, so I got him a straw and then got my camera, when I saw his performance.

My mom started yelling for them both to desist. So I got HER a straw too!

YES! You CAN blow bubbles in beer, but milk works the best.

Now you know.

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