I hope you enjoyed going to Cartoon School with me this year? I got so many great emails and comments - so I'm assuming the answer is "Yes!" - you had fun too.

I've also had a lot of messages asking how to get the blog posts for the next year. I finally finished clearing out my mom's house and apartment and sat my butt down at the computer and...

Launched my Kickstarter for YEAR TWO!

I just released it late last night and I already have a few backers - thank you SO much!

This one will work the same way as last year's - you back the project at $25 or more and you'll get all posts from the Glyphs & Glitches blog directly in your email box, as they come out. You can click through to the blog and read all previous posts as well.

You'll also get any PDFs of comics, etc.

There are other levels of support available with Goodies, books, and such.

I'll wait until the end of this month, to see who decides to join me for Year Two - before I purge all the other names from the MailChimp database. Please please PLEASE sign up again!!

And share the Kickstarter link with everyone you know! ( http://kck.st/1VyeBke )
YEAR TWO will be even better than the First Year.

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