I spent a lot of time this week painting and cleaning the new Studio. I painted over the Angler Fish...

That took a lot of work and a lot of paint to complete the second HUUUUUUGE blackboard.

The first, "small" blackboard will have trees AND party lights!

The old cork boards got pretty blue felt resurfacing.

And today we moved lots of displays, bookcases, books - TWO trips to Concord! Even my life-sized mannequins were transported. The younger one rode in my passenger seat, but the older one sprawled on the sofa in the back of the truck - rather indecently!

I just realized what an odd collection of studio necessities I have... just in this one picture there are three large drawer units filled with about a thousand rubber stamps, a futon couch, 16 stacking classroom chairs, 2 movie theatre chairs from the old Cinema 93, an antique wood door from India, and of course, the life-size, wooden, artist's mannequin.

I didn't take any pics of the chaos in the Studio after stuffing it (with two truckloads of stuff!) - but I will show you what it looks like when I go tomorrow. Now for the really hard part - creating order - and a Studio that people will want to play in!

When I got home, I was so wiped out. I needed a shower, a nap, and chocolate. In any order. There was a big box waiting for me - it was my Lego Diner!!!!

I had ordered it as my reward for finishing the first four Science Kits (and about ten pages of the GOrilla! book) - and packing up my old store, organizing everything in storage to be moved, packing tons of books, and then moving it all... YES - I needed a reward! (If I can get the Wingdoodle building sold by the end of April, can I get the Assembly Square Lego Set as my reward?)

I also got a few of the new Batman Series 2 mini-figures! Zod and Jor-El were the two I wanted most! Yah! Of course there is a whole new series of blind bag figures coming out... oh dear.

It's going to be a while before I'll have a chance to build the Diner, but at least I HAVE it and can drool over it in person.

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