Hi Sandy,
I LOVE your Zentangle books… they are the best!  And I think it's because your personality shines thru…  My biggest favorite is the Totally Tangled book.
Anyhow, the reason I'm writing is because I purchased your e-book several months ago.  I used it on my iPad for a short while and couldn't get back to tangling until yesterday.  (Oh how I've missed it!) Well now I can't find it. ... Can you help me out?  
- Cheryl Ferris

Hi Cheryl,

I have that problem a lot (loosing ebooks). ;-) Here is a new link for your download...
I've been rediscovering the patterns in this book and trying them out on the new gray toned paper from Strathmore. I need to do a post about that...
  I'm glad you love Totally Tangled - I'm about to start work on a revised  edition.. and Yoga for Your Brain as well... so if there is anything you'd like to see added or explained better, or...?
Oh - And welcome back to tangling!
- Sandy

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!  I'm happy again!

This time I was able to print it out so I won't lose it again!  I printed it on a gray toned cardstock and I love it!   I am touched by your personal and open hearted posts.  I admire your courage to speak from your heart, expressing what I would love to, but don't.  I think that's what I see and love so much in  your artistic expression…it's friendly and happy and brave, and of course soooo cool!   How awesome of you to ask for input, you impress me so. I do have problems with the tangle "Stubs" on page 37 in Totally Tangled… I can't get the final result no matter how I try. I particularly love these tangles …CUdad, Boing, Gust, Hairy, Muzic, Jay, and I love page 22…those borders really delight me.   What I've been doing is tangling around my favorite rubber-stamp images that I've collected over the years.   I think MD's should put your books on their prescription scrips instead of pharmaceuticals to treat depression, anxiety, general cranky and crabbiness.  It sure takes me off the ledge.   For a lark, I've included my sisters tangle pattern that she made. [Editor's Note: this section of the letter and the amazing tangle were deleted because I intend to use it in the book!] ... I thought you might like to use it.  I love faces myself, which is why I adore Lilah Beans! So cool!   So thank you Sandy…and keep those awesome tangles coming... we beezinkstudio fans love you!- Cheryl   oops I should have sent you an example of one of my tangles… the lady vacuuming is the rubber stamp…

"After Enlightenment" by Cheryl Ferris


OH fabulous!!! Your tile is beautiful AND funny - quite a combo. :-)

Could I post it on my blog with your letter? ... My readers really like to see this kind of work - and this one is a hoot!

... After I revise TT and YFYB, I plan to start working on a book that keeps getting put on the backburner. This one is intended to be used in doctors offices and during chemo or anywhere else that an interactive Zentangle book might be of use. I promised Shelley - who is in Totally Tangled, that I would do a book like that. And it's been a couple of years since she passed away.

- Sandy   WoooHooo! That's the best news I've had since… well... i can't remember when!  Thank you sooo much Sandy, you really made us smile.I'm totally honored that you would share my tile… what a lovely and surprising affirmation, and it was an afterthought to send it!  ... The rubber-stamp used in the tile was from a company called "Remarkable".  I googled it and sadly it is out of business and unreachable.  A shame because she had some really adorable images.   Linda (my sister) let out an irrepressible giggle when I told her about your offer. ...I'm so sorry about Shelley.  I love the idea of a tangle book in doctors' offices and waiting rooms.  Our apartment building suffered major damage from hurricane Sandy.  We were displaced for 3 months until the building was fit to live in again. During the storm, when the bad news kept coming and during the days that followed, it was tangling that kept me grounded and peaceful. Zen-tangling is truly divine.     You know how when you've got a special book that you love so much that you find yourself buying copies of it for friends and family? Well Totally Tangled is that book for me. There is such a sense of joy in that book. Its been awhile since I loved a book in that way… as a matter of fact the last one was The Holy Man

by Susan Trott.  If you haven't read it yet, check it out, its lots of fun, I can tell from your work and blog that you would love it.   And thanks again, Sandy…. and best wishes to your sister as well! - Cheryl