I was rather fond of my gloomy, dark Belfry blog. It appealed to my Adams Family upbringing - my inner "Wednesday." But recently, my friend, mentor, chief-butt-kicker, Jessica, sent me an email:

"...I think you could take your bats to a brighter place. You are not a dark person - just a person of light who may have some dark moments.

Believe me when I say this with love. You need to come into the light and everything you are doing will bear even more fruit."

Hmmm... I like fruit!

And to prove that I am NOT afraid of completely overhauling my life every few years... well, I'm not afraid of completely compromising every once in a while...

I integrated my cheery, buzzy images and colors from my new website and BeeHive blog with the darker imagery of the Belfry... voila! (sorry, can't get the accent thingy to work!)

What do you think? Easier to read? Looks like everyone else's? Any links not working? :-)