Alex, my mom and I went to Boston yesterday to see Mary Poppins at the Boston Opera House. My son saw it a few years ago on Broadway with his grandparents. He had told me so many amazing things about it that I HAD to see it! For example: the house set is like a giant paper dollhouse that opens, then unfolds! It is truly magical. Our performance was the debut for the two kid actors who played Jane and Michael Banks. They were incredible too.

Speaking of "magical"... everyone knows how Mary Poppins pulls plants and a hat stand, etc. out of her carpet bag, right? Well, the Boston Opera House must be made of the same magical material! Look at it... It's teeny - where in the world do they fit the theatre? ;-)
The stage and seats fill an enormous space with lots of froo-froo gold and a painted sky ceiling. We had seats in the Dress Circle, so Mary Poppins flew right over our heads!  And Bert danced on the ceiling of the stage! Ah!

Anyway - so there was this song near the end that was called "Anything Can Happen" and there were stars flying around and singing and dancing... but the words seemed very appropriate to my mental state and they keep going around and around. Here they are:

(written by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe)

Anything can happen if you let it
sometimes things are difficult
but you can bet it
doesn't have to be so
Changes can be made
You can move a mountain if you use a larger spade

Anything can happen it's a marvel
You can be a butterfly
Or just stay larval

Stretch your mind beyond fantastic  
dreams are made of strong elastic
Take some sound advice and don't forget it
Anything Can Happen if you let it
i wonder.....
Anything can happen if you let it
You Won't know a challenge until you've met it
No-one does it for you
No-One but yourself      
vacillating violets get left up on the shelf
anything can happen just imagine!

That should be my epitaph
I wear the badge in honour of this world's free thinkers
Those who see beyond their blinkers

Jelly isn't jelly  
Till you set it
anything can happen if you let it

Anything can happen if you let it
what good is a whistle
Unless you whet it

Broaden Your Horizon  
Open different doors
You may find a you there that you never knew was yours

Anything can happen    
Raise the curtain
things you thought impossible
Will soon seem certain
though at first it may sound clownish
see the world more upside-downish
turn it on its head then pirouette it
Anything can happen if you let it

If you reach for the stars all you get are the stars  
but we've found a whole new spin
if you reach for the heavens
You get the stars thrown in
if you reach   for the stars all you get are the stars
but we've found a whole new spin
if you reach for the heavens
you get the stars thrown in
Anthing can happen if you let it
life out there is waiting
so go and get it
grab it by the collar
seize it by the scruff
once you've started living life you just can't get enough
Anything can happen
it's official
you can choose the super or the superficial
sally forth the way we're steering
obstacles start disappearing
go and chase your dreams you won't regret it
Anything can happen Anything can happen
Anything can happen
If you let it

I just REALLY love the lines:
If you reach for the stars all you get are the stars...
If you reach for the heavens
You get the stars thrown in!  

I found the song on YouTube if you want to hear it. It might seem corny, but it definitely puts one in a more positive state of mind. I don't know about you, but I find that I keep shooting myself in the foot, so to speak. The key words in this song are "if you let it" - it's time we get out of our own way and let wonderful things happen. Don't kill the good ideas and don't stomp on your kids' fancies. It's OK to be happy. It's OK to be successful. It's OK to have your dreams come true!!
Mary Poppins SAYS SO!
(And if you see her anywhere, please send her over to my house. Thanks)