I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break too? When I got home Wednesday night, my fridge was stocked with yummy food and within a few hours, my house was stocked with family!

Thanksgiving was nice, but we've started a new tradition on "Black Friday" - we celebrate my daughter's birthday by inviting up the extra family members who can't make it to Thanksgiving! It was great to have my sister and her family and my little brother and his girls. The toys in the garage finally got out into the sunshine. (And it was beautiful and warm!) We even did some hoola hooping.

Although a few of Lilah's aunts and uncles were missing, she had all her cousins, her brother, and all five grandparents at her party!

We celebrated my niece Tabitha's birthday along with my daughter's (9th!) birthday - with two cakes.

Taste testers agreed that the chocolate cake was good... but the vanilla one was fabulous.

I love that the little cousins were all dressed in the same color family (with black pants too).

And a few more folks signed Lilah's giant card.

And in between all this family together time... yes, I DID do some homework. Here is the sketch for the last page of my Little Devil comic (due this week!)

OK - back to work!

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