I wanted to tell you about my new BOOK! I added a new cover and some new art to the e-book and had it printed on very nice paper and - voila!! - The Tangles of Kells is now available as a BOOK!

I sold pre-release copies to the ladies at Bette Abdu's CZT Retreat a few weeks ago and then I gave copies to my attendees at this past weekend's, ART SWARM. (Yes, I know, I need to do a blog post about the Swarm - it was fabulous!)

While I was procrastin-... ahem... trying to get it listed on my Etsy shop - I saw that it was already having an impact on a fellow SWARMer. Jacque was posting it's effects on her family on Facebook and I asked if I could re-post here:

And here is proof that her boys enjoyed the book...

It got them drawing!

And it got Jacque drawing too!
Stunning white on black...

...and more tradtional black on white..

I think these may be Jacque's first tangles? (Welcome to the rabbit hole!)

I love ebooks and the chance they give to try out a subject without a huge investment. It also makes it really easy to get my books into International tanglers' hands! If you love ebooks, The Tangles of Kells is still available as a downloadable PDF, HERE.

The (NEW!!) printed version is available as a Limited Edition book - signed, with three special postcards, and two Bijou tiles in a pocket inside the front cover. (Get it HERE).

And the regular version of the (NEW!!) Tangles of Kells is available HERE.

Lastly, if you are a CZT, or a teacher, or another person who needs large quantities of Zentangle related books, you can get quantities of ten or more Kells books at wholesale, HERE.

I am very excited to have piles and piles of the new books!! There is something so satisfying about seeing your work in print. But now I need to get these books into YOUR hands. I hope that you will enjoy it and be inspired to make beautiful work of your own. And please share what you are working on on my Facebook Page!

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