Rose left a comment here on the blog:


I'm so glad that has a blog now.. and I received your Alpha Tangle book.. awesome! I would like to know if you or anyone you know will be publishing a book or a publication on all the tangles that have been put out there so far (from the newsletters at the official Zentangle site to the many blogs ... especially yours and Suzanne O'Neill's page and books)... I just would love to see all the tangles in one place in maybe a spiral format, not too large but something larger than your alpha book that can be taken in a purse or a small bag with supplies... I know I don't have time to do a book but I am stumped when doing the Zentangles as to what to do in some of the areas and am not as creative as most.. still have trouble making a straight line! So that's my thought... and I hope someone takes the idea and runs with it... it would be a super duper best seller... if only I didn't have so many kids and schedules! hehe... Hugs to you!

Well, Rose I can't fill ALL  your requirements... but how about a book that is 8.5" square and has over 100 NEW tangles- with directions for each one? Fifty-two pages filled with instructions, tips, lots of inspiring art (no, it's not all mine!), a gallery and artist and resource links? Oh, and under 20 bucks? Pretty good? I sent it off to Design Originals today. Yes, I know there will be some editing and changes that need to be made, but it feels so good to be finished! I am really proud of it and very excited. It should be available in May. And, no, I am not taking pre-orders! But I promise to let you know as SOON as it is available. We'll do a contest or something. Leave a comment if you have a good idea for a contest!

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