The graphic medicine class with the Dartmouth Medical students is turning into a really fun event. The students, and the teachers, are getting into the swing of creating comics - its very impressive! The class is even planning an Anthology. I can't even wrap my head around that right now - all I can think about is THESIS. THESIS. THESIS.

I gave out copies of my mental health comic... heck... it's a comic coloring book! We Will Never Leave You is a comic interview with my inner demons. I'm hoping some of the class will have some feedback for me next time.

Speaking of comics and feedback... and THESIS!.... I am planning to do two quick Kickstarters very soon to raise money to print my Thesis comics.

I was invited by Kickstarter to take part in a few week-long campaigns. The first will be for PDF versions of the comics and the second will be for print versions. I need to raise between $1000 and $5000. The more I raise, the more copies I can print. For example... If I only print enough comics to present to the Thesis Committee for review (so I can graduate!) and the 6 top level Kickstarter backers from the previous campaign (love you guys!) - then it will cost about $400. If I can raise $5000, then I can get the price per set (four 70 page comics) down to about $30.

And... If I can raise more than $5000... then I could stay in VT for the Summer Sessions and take an Animation class and create more comics!! ;-)

I'll let you know if I can get it together in time.