A much better holiday for today (is Friday the 13th a holiday yet?)

I got a quick visit to a Trader Joe's today! Yes, my first. I have to go back and explore. What a cool place...

Murals and cool chalkboard art everywhere...

The crow is 3-D!

And I love the graphics on the products too. There was a box of tissues with a plea to remember to remove the item from your pocket before putting your pants on the laundry! And I love the shopping bags too...

Great sense of humor. And lots of chocolate.

Journal pages for today...

A sketch of my room, which is like a tiny house.

And our new journal bags made for us by Autumn Fern Design - And sold at Jessica's gallery here in Santa Fe, the Art Garden. They are solar printed and even have beautiful batik fabric inside.

And, the weather forecast... I will not make any more comments on that except that I put in a request with the Universe for nice weather on Sunday when we go on our big field trip to the old Pecos ruins. And, ahem, it's my birthday too. :-)

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