Because the 2nd floor is shared, my builder-guy can only do "noisy" work on Fridays when the other tenant is not around. And last Friday we had an inconvenient ice storm, so no work at all. I have noticed that the destruction phase is very impressive and seems to have lots going on. The construction phase, too, is impressive. But then the so-called "finish" phase dwindles to a crawl. I'm getting impatient and the weather is making me pissy too.

I really want to get in there and start making it my own space before I lose all motivation and hibernate instead. I've been working on some parts outside of the studio - but only after working hours. My "neighbor" has office hours and appointments with people sitting in the waiting room, so I don't want to get in their way. I painted the teeny bathroom sky blue. We used to call it the Brady-Bunch Bathroom because of the 70's color scheme and the brown trim and brown pineapple wallpaper! It took three coats of Kilz to cover the pineapples! I painted the ceiling, walls, everything , blue and I plan to add some cloud artwork later.
I had the kitchen door walled over, so that blank space screamed "Mural!" to me. The rest of the waiting room (I prefer "lobby") is decorated (by my neighbor) in typical country style. So I thought I'd make my presence known with a huge purple chalkboard and a golden frame with bees. It is still in progress. I was very excited to discover that, not only does Krylon make brushable chalkboard paint, but they also make "tint-able" chalkboard paint!! So I didn't have to settle for black - I got BeezInk purple. Awesome!

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